About the Festival of DissentCalendar of EventsFind out how you can ParticipateArtists, Participants, Projects from A to ZUseful Links

Between April 25-27 Operation How, Now, Wow took place in numerous cities and places internationally.

In each location, artists and other cultural workers were invited to organize events, activities, actions that addressed, considered and contested the ongoing "war on terror", attacks on civil liberties and human rights violations at home and abroad.

click here to read description

News & Updates

Operation How, Now, Wow, Version 1.0 of our International Festival of Dissent has come to an end.

Some events like the exhibition "Art During Wartime" which was organized in New York is still ongoing and we encourage you to attend.

We are in the process of gathering documentation and reports of the projects and posting them or links to them online.

We would like to continue this initiative, so stay tuned. If you would like to join our e-mail list, please write to list@operationhow.org *
*e-mail is no longer in operation, as we took the website down a year after the event

Manifesto: A guide to How, Now, & Wow

Read our original Call to Action for participating artists.


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